If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

Let the battle begin! Call me what you like but right now Im stuck on M$ side like fly on fly paper. The console is realy starting to form up and show more and more of its awesome side near the PS3 launch. After playing Gears Of War (which realy did live up to its hype) and Call of Duty 3 and looking at the awesome line up to add with the downloadable missd movies in HD. You realy cant blame me.

I 'm confident that the 360 has wat it takes to give some of the most action packed ga...

6529d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know why my new wasnt sput here instead. I had the same topic same picture for topic. But I actually had some of the list of launched Wii titles. Also I posted mine first I thought... Hmm I guess not some how.... Anyway I wonder how much they are going to charge for the arcade games. So far I say just from that list already this system has the best arcade games so far.

6537d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats kind of why I hold back on buying forun things like that because we dont get everything they do in there country. Usally they end up having more games there for it.

6538d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Umm where already crying and we havent even heard the price yet? I didnt feel like reading it all but I glimpsed and I didnt see no official price. Also I dont think they are going to make it cheaper for anyone so getting treated farely I dont think will be the issue.

6538d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man first camp out was just cool as simple as it was it gave me a feeling inside when the line finnally starts to move and the buying begins after getting to know the othere gamers around you. Oh man phew I need to stop Im getting teary eyed. lol nah just messin but it is awesome to have a system after all that waiting. You just want to jump for joy. I had fun camping the 360 in wal mart we got to watch movies on the display TVs because the employees where nice enough to do it.

6541d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea lol its funny and pisses me off when the game has enemys spawned in the most unlikely places.

But I think COD3 is going to be awesome being that I liked COD2 and COD3 looks even better in all ways.

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sweet I havent found the crab yet either thats cool. I did run into the giant slaughterfish though scared the hell out of me, I was a low level when I ran into it and my gear wasnt all that good.

I also found a the goblin man which you find him in a cave living with the goblins and he even gots a little hut built down in there.

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOW is going to be a awesome game I think but the online isnt going to be all that I think. I dont even know where all the hype of the online being so good came from. I didnt seem nothing realy that over the edge on multiplayer. I dont see how your realy going to be able to compare GOW online multiplayer to Halo 3 online that to me is non existant.

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game got funner the more you played it. I found stuff in the game when exploring after I have beat everything in the game that I havent seen before. Like the Huge troll that ate that women whole and killed her husband at the top of the mountain. You actually could take every piece of her body out of the troll. Also there was a diary at i found there to telling me everything that happened. Just crazy stuff man, if you have beaten the game you havent seen everything still probably so look ...

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope they will have extreme kinds of weather and allow you change the setting on how bad the weather gets. So you can set it on extreme for players wanting to use it as a way to find hiding spots for the guy with the flag and for those who want a challenge while trying to snipe in the weather. That would be awesome to have different game types useing the weather to allow the players of the games to actually become more innovative and not only the developers. That would be a cool keypoint t...

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sounds innovative and awesome. When I had seen NASA it definately had me puzzled.

6543d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know what your talking about man. I swear Im not saying this to make anybody look good you can enlarge the pictures you know just read. Also I dont know what your seeing but even from these little pictures I can see improvements on the graphics from Halo 2.
Im sure as hard as they are working under the eyes on them this game is going to be great unless you are one of those that hate anything for a spec mark. But any way put in your contacts and take a look and clearly see th...

6543d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see to diss this game you have to be picky as hell. Also yes this is a picture off a magazine and its going to look hell alot better on your HD TV. Also I myself can see that the jump in graphics from Halo 2 online even in that picture let alone seeing it on my TV.
This is a must have for me no doubt Im just rubbing my hands together getting ready for this game. They also are adding more game types and maps yet to see. Actually we didnt even get to realy see the maps there yet. T...

6543d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yea I dont go around after playing a game to talk about the rumble all the time. But if you ask anybody if they like to get feed back feeling of explosions, slideing down a ladder, stomping of huge monsters ass they get closer, and etc. They will most likely say yes. Its been there for 8 years theres not much to talk about it anymore, and to have it there still is just plain and simple fun to have.

Of course the tilt action is a cool feature to have but loseing the rumble is a deff...

6544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man I hate having so many secret achievments though because I dont know what Im supposed to be getting to get the achievment in some games. Then again its cool because it stops spoilers of suprises in the games

6544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well thats what you think I guess but you know what you dont make me a believer unless you prove it to me. I want to see for myself how important the tilt is in othere games. It may play a factor in racing games but it may not in othere games. If I see that it could have been even better and wouldnt have effected it realy Im going to give it a thumbs down on the controller. Which I havent been a fan of the OLD controller because it doesnt fit my hand that well.

Im not going to tak...

6544d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea it was a cool little video but I wish when they where explaining what you could do that they at least let you try it yourself.

6544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got a feeling that this game is going to be as violent as the othere titles, I hope so anyway >:). Then they will be those trying to ban the game and thats what sucks. They should have a part in all stores where all the mature rated games go and only have a 18+ rule. Instead of just flat out trying to ban the game even though it probably wont work.

6544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea you better have the HD TV I prefer LCD screen. Also Bill Gates impersonater I'm glad you dont have many bubbles because your comments have been a waist of reading. Also I know where you got the idea of making a the Bill Gates account. Moviecodec sound familiar?

Anyway your not original just copieing ideas from the Sony haters. People like that realy dont get there point across and end up starting a flame war.

6544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats cool but if I want a bluray player I should just go ahead and get a PS3.

6544d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment